The four purified enzymes were incubated in assay buffer and consumption of 3PG and production of F6P were measured in time, together with GAP and DHAP concentrations.
Experimental assay
Projects: SulfoSys
Investigation: Central Carbon Metabolism of Sulfolobus solfataricus
Study: Carbon loss at high T
Assay position:
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Progressive Curve Experiment
Organisms: Sulfolobus solfataricus : P2 (wild-type / wild-type)
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Created: 2nd Feb 2013 at 16:06
Last updated: 26th Oct 2017 at 09:57

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An investigation in the CCM of S. solfataricus with a focus on the unique temperature adaptations and regulation; using a combined modelling and experimental approach.
Submitter: Jacky Snoep
Studies: Carbon loss at high T, Model gluconeogenesis, Pathway optimisation
Assays: Experimental assays of the temperature dependent degradation of GAP and ..., FBPA/ase, FBPAase model, GAPDH, GAPDH modeling, Gluconeogenic model, Model reconstituted system, Modelling pathway optimisation, Modelling temperature dependent degradation of GAP and DHAP, PGK, PGK and FBPAase titrations, PGK modeling, Reconstituted system reference state, TPI, TPI modeling
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Investigation: Central Carbon Metabolism of Sulfolobus solfata...
Assays: Model reconstituted system, Reconstituted system reference state
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Provider's strain ID: Not specified
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Comment: Not specified
Experimental data for the reconstituted system are plotted together with the model prediction
Investigations: Central Carbon Metabolism of Sulfolobus solfata...
Studies: Carbon loss at high T
Assays: Model reconstituted system, Reconstituted system reference state
The purified enzymes, PGK, GAPDH, TPI and FBPAase were incubated at 70 C en conversion of 3PG to F6P was followed
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: T. Kouril, D. Esser, J. Kort, H. V. Westerhoff, B. Siebers, J. L. Snoep
Date Published: 22nd Aug 2013
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 23865479
Citation: FEBS J. 2013 Sep;280(18):4666-80. doi: 10.1111/febs.12438. Epub 2013 Aug 22.